Cabal Slot Extender Guide


Formula Card No. 112 Upgrade CoreFormula Card No. 113 Plasma Coating KitFormula Card No. 114 Slot Extender(LV 2)Formula Card No. 116 Glory Potion(LV 3)Formula Card No. 120 Epaulet of Certification +7 Craft Lv. 9Formula Card No. 121 Perfect CoreFormula Card No. 122 Perfect Coating KitFormula Card No. 123 Slot Extender. Cabal Online Philippines Patch EP19 Blader Level: 200 OVL: 10 Guild: JuanDelaCruz Server: Orion Don`t Forget To Like, Comment, Share And Subscribe If you.

Are you ready to ascend to new heights, Cabalists?

The long wait is over! Cabal Online PH will launch the latest updates this month. Let’s all check what’s coming in the World of Nevareth.

I. NEW: Force Wing Transcendence

A. Force Wing can be transcended when the maximum level is reached. (Max Level: 100)

B. How to transcend:

1. When Force Wing Max Level is reached, a ‘Transcendence’ button will be created in the original Force Wing UI

2. Once the Transcendence Button is clicked, a ‘Force Wing Transcendence’ window will pop-up

2.1 Required Item (Essence of Wing) for Transcending the Force Wing will be shown

2.2 Shown as (Current Quantity No.) / (Required), may click Transcendence button to Rank-Up one step if materials are available

C. New Item Added

1. Item Name: Essence of Wing

2. How to attain: Legendary Box drop in Holia Windhill Dungeon

3. Required No.: 15 pcs. for first trial of Transcending

D. Transcendence Result

1. Force Wing Rank rises one stage (Normal Level → Rare Level)

2. Force Wing is reset to Lv 1.

3. Able to change looks of Wing sand color of Force Wing button shown in the upper left of the screen

E. Growth of Force Wing

1. EXP gained from attacking dummies will be decreased by 30% (Same EXP gained when attacking monsters)

2. Training Points

2.1 Training Points gained immediately by becoming Rare Level through Force Wing Transcending

2.2 After reaching Lv.20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 10, 1 point of training point will be gained

F. Force Wing Stats

1. Same as before the HP, All Attack, Defense will increase by 1 every level

2. Though the level is reset, stats will continue to accumulate and increase

-> Example: When Force Wing Rare is Lv. 50, then HP +150 / All Attack+150 / Defense +150

G. Force Wing Skill

1. When Force Wing is transcended, the level of the gained Wing Skill will rise automatically

2. Skill Stat

II. NEW: “Holia Windhill: Dungeon

A. Dungeon Quest

1. Name: Holia Windhill

2. Requirement: Upper Lv. 131

3. Type: Normal Quest (No Repeat)

4. Related NPC: Yerte (Core Alchemist) from Port Lux

5. Reward: Mysterious Piece from a Stone Statue (Account Bind)

B. Dungeon Information

1. Requirement: Upper LV. 130 / Upper BS LV. 11 / Force Wing activated Character

2. Duration: 25 minutes

3. Port Lux (X:23, Y:25)

4. Entry Item

4.1 Mysterious piece from a Stone Statue (Account bind)

4.2 Peddler Unon from Bloody Ice sells at (15,000,000 Alz + x10 Force Essence)

5. Reward: 5 DP

6. Entry Member: Maximum 2

7. Daily Dungeon Entry limit: 3 Times / Reset available up to 2 times(Cost: Each 15,30 Force Gems)

8. Daily Play Time: NONE

C. Dungeon Drops

D. Dungeon Clear Achievement & Title

1. Holia Windhill Added to Guild Treasure [Dungeon] Category

2. Holia Windhill Dungeon clear mission added to Guild Mission Festival

III. EXPANDED: Merit Mastery System – ‘Platinum’ Insignia

A. Split Merit Mastery

  1. Split Merit Mastery
    • Merit Mastery divided into Golden Insignia and Insignia Badge
    • Golden Insignia: Original Merit Mastery. Appliedto Characters upper Lv.170 in account
    • Platinum Insignia: NewMerit Mastery. Applied to Character upper Lv.200 in account
  2. Golden Insignia, Platinum Insignia Tab added in MeritMastery UI

B. Merit Rank-Up

  1. Rank-Up Condition
    • Gain All Masteries of Golden Insignia
    • Used all of Golden Insignia Merit Points
  2. When conditions are met,Rank-Up button will activate in Platinum Insignia UI
  3. Rank-UpIngredients: 100 Merit MedalExchange Tickets + Wexp 20,000
  4. Rank-Up Result
    • Golden Insignia Rank Up to Platinum Insignia
    • Platinum Insignia Merit Points will be given when Merit Medal is reported(Merit Score given by Merit Medal Level will be same as before when Merit Medal is reported)
    • The extra 30% Honor Score given when Max Level of Merit was reached, will be applied only after Rank up

C. Platinum Insignia Mastery

  1. Merit Score&Point: Max Merit Scoreis360,542 points, Max Merit Point is 2,052
  2. Mastery Category
    • Organize into 6 categories in total(Stat by Category stated in the graph below)
    • Merit Score needed for learning all the masteries is 3,472 points. So, only up to 4 out of 6 categories can be learnt depending on the combination of categories.
    • Color classification made by category list according to mastery acquisition status
      • Categories with no Mastery gained will be indicated in white
      • Categories with at least one Mastery will be indicated in the relevant Mastery Memory number color(each Mastery has a given color)
    • Required Merit Score and Stat by each Mastery Category

D. Platinum Insignia Mastery Slot Added

  1. Insignia Mastery Slot must be opened to earn the Mastery
  2. Cancel Opening of Mastery Slot
    • May click to cancel opening the Slot, in order to open another Slot and etc.
    • Materials used for opening the Slot cannot be returned
  3. Slot Open Materials and Time Required(The more open slots, the more materials and time required)

E. Special Mystery

  1. Activate Special Mastery
    • Activated by learning ‘Expand Special Mastery’ in each Mastery Category(May only learn up to 4)
  2. Grant Special Mastery Stats
    • Click ‘Grant Special Mastery’ button under each category
    • Grant Stat Recipe:5 Merit medal Exchange Tickets + Wexp 1,000
    • 2 Special Stats will be granted at the same time in random
    • Stats may be granted in categories that special Mastery is not activated(However, will be activated after Special Mastery is activated)
    • Special Mastery Stats by each Category

F. Master Memory

  1. Save current Mastery Memory status
  2. How to Start
    1. Click registration button at the top of Platinum Insignia UI (to register Mastery Memory on Quick slot)
    2. Choose icon one of No.1/No.2/No.3 page to register on Quick Slot
    3. When using registered Quick Slot of Mastery Memory, current status will be saved
    4. Page number can be changed after registration
  3. Saves Special Mastery
  4. Can make Mastery combination anytime by using Mastery Memory
  5. Slot open Status is same even if user changes Pages

G. Item ‘Elixir of Golden Insignia’ added

  1. Using Elixir gives Golden Insignia point (Same use as other Elixir)
  2. Limit on simultaneous usage
    • Can be used up to maximum Merit Points (max 9,999 can used at the same time)
    • Unable to use Elixir when already reached maximum Golden Insignia Point
    • Unable to use when Golden Insignia is already ranked up to Platinum Insignia
  3. Rewards only Character or Account-Binding, Unable to register on Agent Shop
  4. Added ‘Elixir of Golden Insignia’ to Special Coupon Machine
    • Exchange condition: 300 Coupons

IV. RENEW: Character Face & Hairstyle

A. Female Renewal character Face(4 types), Hairstyle(7 types)

B. Male Renewal character Face(4 types), Hairstyle(7 types)

V. RENEW: In Game Cash Shop

A. Added in game cash shop quick Slot icon at Bottom left Menu Bar

  1. Same icon shown as Remote Shop/Grocer’s Cash shop icon
  2. Added WEB Indicator to Distinguish WEB Item Shop
  3. Reorganized Icon location, Left Side –In game reward, Shop / Right Side – Game play function

B. Expansion/Change In Game Cash Shop UI

  1. Expanded Cash Shop UI to 3 Rows
  2. Added Force Gem amount count
  3. Changed Cash icon

C. Added ‘Package’ tab to In game Cash Shop

  1. Only can purchase during certain period of time
  2. Only the number of times marked can be purchased per account
  3. Added preview function
    • Can preview main item of Package item
    • Now support Zoom and Rotate
    • Unable to Preview Costume if current character is not available to equip
I. Guild treasure category expansion & reward ‘Time Reducer’ added

A. Added Guild Treasure Category [Currency]

  1. Guild treasure[Currency] can be received only when player purchases Cash Shop Package Item
  2. Automatically create treasure not consuming BP(Battle Point) While purchasing Package Item (Shows system message only without character name)
  3. Treasure earned by [Currency] Category is not affecting Contribution rank

B. New item ‘Time Reducer – Platinum Insignia’ added

  1. Reduces opening time of Platinum Insignia Mastery Slot
  2. Can receive from Guild Treasure
    • Randomly given in Guild Treasure level 5min / 10min / 30min / 1hr / 3hrs / 8hrs / 12hrs / 1day / 3days (Account Binding Item)
  3. How to use:
    • Click ‘Open accelerate’ button in Platinum Insignia UI
    • Right Click ‘Time Reducer’ Item in inventory
  4. Maximum use condition
    • (Number of available item) X (Reduce effect of One item) < (Remaining Slot Open time) + (Use Smaller Time Reducer(5hrs) / One Item’s Time Reduce effect)
    • (Ex) If Remaining Time is 17h 20m, Can use 3 Time Reducer(8h) / 6 Time Reducer(3h) / 18 Time Reducer(1h)

C. List of Guild Treasure Item

  • Adjusted original reward’s receiving chance due to adding reward ‘Time Reducer’
II. Current time Clock(24-hour) Added to the bottom left of the screen
III. Yellow Bead Item Sale to NPC Chloe Shop Added

A. Sell Item : Yellow Bead X 127

B. Price : 3,810,000 Alz

IV. ‘Command Potion’ BP regenerate Potion Added

A. Instantly restores BP when used.

B.Stackable up to 999

C. Type / Amount of Store rate

  1. Command Potion (lv. 1) – 1,000 BP Restoration Rate
  2. Command Potion (lv. 2) – 2,000 BP Restoration Rate
  3. Command Potion (lv. 3) – 3,000 BP Restoration Rate
  4. Command Potion (lv. 4) – 5,000 BP Restoration Rate
  5. Command Potion (lv. 5) – 10,000 BP Restoration Rate


A. [Costume] Doll mask – Fire dragon

B. [Costume] Doll mask – Water dragon

C. [Vehicle Costume]Defender of Sky – King Leo

D. [Vehicle Costume] Knight Dragon

E. [Vehicle Costume] Red Knight Dragon

F. [Vehicle Costume] Black Knight Dragon

G. [Vehicle Costume] Cute Little Phoenix

H. [ Force Wing Costume]Star Fly Wing (Blue)

I. [ Force Wing Costume]Star Fly Wing (Yellow)

J. [ Force Wing Costume]Star Fly Wing (Emerald)

I. Extended Maximum Slot of Essence Rune

A. Extended Maximum Slot of Essence Rune (Before 30 After 60)

B. Extended Number of Usable Rune Extender

1. Before: Basic 16 + Extension 16 = Maximum 32 Slots

2. After: Basic 16 + Extension 44 = Maximum 60 Slots

C. Rune Slot Extender – Changed Essence Item Description / Changed Number of unused Rune Slot indicator

II. Object Changed in Processing Quest ‘The Last Apocalypse’

A. Target Quest: The Last Apocalypse Card (Process condition: Upper Lv.82)

B. Improved Easier to find the necessary object to proceed

III. How to Gain Drosnin’s Earrings

A. Before: After finishing ‘Cursed Drosnin’ quest, certain percentage drop from reward box

B.After: Can be gained by certain percentage drop by clearing the last boss without guest

1. Boss Monster ‘Ratzel of Reason and Wind’ does not drop the key of wind any more

IV. Improvement / Modification Guild Treasure function

A. Disables Reward button If Guild Treasure is expired

1. Disable Reward Status when Guild Reward time is Expired

2. Expired Guild Treasure will be removed from the list when re-login

B. Added Indicator when Gold Treasure Box is not received

1. Indicates Gold Treasure Point gauge Status If Gold Treasure Box is receivable

2. Indicates Current Gold Treasure Point Gauge After receiving Gold Treasure Box

3. Only 1 Gold Treasure Box Can Maintain receivable status

C. Changed Gold Treasure Point of Guild Treasure [Battle] category

V. Extended Number of Items Indicating Cash Shop Inventory

A. Before Only 16 pages(Total of 128 Items) were displayed, but changed to display from 129th item

B. Deleted Message ‘Maximum 128 items’ at Lower part of Shop inventory

VI. Improved and Changed the progress of some quests

A. Changed warp location of several quest dungeons after clearing or failing in dungeon

B. Relocated Dungeon Quest Object ‘Skaild’s room’ when Proceeding Quest ‘Where is Skaild?

C. Changed Target Monster for several Quests

Cabal Slot Extender Guide

VII.Changed Preview Equipment appearance when creating Character (Archridium –>Demonite)

VIII. Changed Name ‘Change Kit(Hair Style) – Novice’ Hair style list –> ‘Change Kit(Hair Style) Type A~D’

IX. System message is showing option value when user gains dropped Elixir type item

X. Error Fixed Guild Treasure receive

A. Error Fixed Guild Treasure cannot be received if number of Elixir exceeds the maximum number of Stack

XI. Error Fixed Guild Treasure Receive All not functioning in Certain situation

A. When Inventory has different Time value item and not Guild Treasure, Not able to receive Guild Treasure.

XII. Error Fixed Abnormal Drops of Chakram in some Fields

A. Undead Ground : Omission of Shadow Titanium Chakram drop

B. Forgotten Ruin: Omission of Shadow Titanium Chakram drop

C. Mutant Forest: Omission of MithrilChakram drop (AMP Scroll is attached in slot)

XIII. Error Fixed Unknown Disconnection when Attacking gate with moving Attack skill

XIV. Error Fixed Not Attacking When After Attacking Overlapped Monsters and Move

A. Fixed Skill: Assassinate, Whirl wind(Attack From Side)

XV.Error Fixed Unexpected Crash of Client when Gladiator use Fadeaway skill


XVI. Error Fixed Attack Power not changing When Auto Normal Attacks(lack of MP)

A. Occurs When Character’s location is not movable position

XVII. Error Fixed Item Shadow Aramid Epaulet of Guardian Option Indicated repeatedly

A. Evade + 50 is Correct

XVIII. Error Fixed Wizard, Force Archer could buy Sword Skillbook& use

A. Delete Skillbook From Buylist

1. Beginner: Flash Draw, Impact Step

2. Regular: Rising Shot

3. Expert: Round Cut

XIX. Error Fixed Gladiator Illusion Flight Skill tool tip was indicated larger than the actual area
XX. Error fixed when Force Wing not showing up after checking ‘Battle mode 3 Helmet/Armor indication OFF’ option

A.Not showed when ‘show all’ or ‘only show my wings’ / battle mode 3 Helmet/Armor indication OFF’ option is checked

XXI. Error Fixed When Bulk Receives(Alt+Left Click), Wrong quantity of item indicated In Item Shop Inventory

XXII. Error Fixed abnormal indication of Few Items in Special Gift Box Item Log

XXIII. Fixed Error Chat editor color text output error fixed

XXIV. Changes in Flame Nest DX Dungeon Entry Value (5,000,000 Alz + x1 Divine Stone) Item: Devil’s Broken Horn

I. Error Fixed User Disconnected from Server When Warp to Country Reward in Mission War
Happy gaming, Cabalists!

Note: Details are subject to change without prior notice.

– CABAL Online PH Team

Cabal Droplist Guide


DT Cards lvl 35 – lvl 70

Skeleton Mine lvl 35 + : Baba Yaga
Mummy Grave lvl 45+ : Bitter Leaf
Lighthouse Maze 55+ : Bugdolphy
Ghost Ship 55+, Ghost ship (party) 55+, Chimera (party) 65+, Troglo Lair (party) 65+, Zombie Infested Cottage (party) 65+: Phantom Crew
Mummy Grave (party) 70+, Skeleton Mine (party) 70+, Parasite House (party) 70+, The Ruins Of The Ancien City 70+ : Auto Cannon-op

Map parts : Lake In Dusk lvl 75

Fort_Ruina : All the mobs of the land
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land

Muster Card : Ruina Station lvl 85

Fort_Ruina : Mechazard, Auto Cannon-Ex, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land

Epaullete of the Dead (B1F) lvl 95

Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land

Epaulette of Dead (B2F) lvl 105

Undead Ground : Vampire Servant +, Spector, Wraith
B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon drop B2F EoD’s

Seal Of Darkness lvl 105

Fort_Ruina : Hounds-S01
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Dark Gnoll
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Mutant Forest : Any mob in Mutant Forest

Muster Card : Forgotten Temple B1F lvl 115

Lakeside : Any mob in Lakeside
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle, Cockatrice, Hexacyther, Blade Peryton
Mutant Forest : Any mob in Mutant Forest
Pontus Ferrum : Any mob in Pontus Ferum


Epaulettes +3

Bloody Ice : Ape Zombie, Shade, Ghosts
Desert Scream : Lug Queen
Green_Despair : Moscutter, Mosscyther, Wriggle Leaf, Moscutter Queen
Port_Lux : Phantom Crew, Peryton, Crag Toad, Flame Hound, Stone Golem, Stone Gargoyles, Dark Bladers, Bugdolphy
Fort_Ruina : Mechazard

Epaulette of Guardian +4

Port_Lux : Ghoul, Dark Bladers
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo, AutoCannons-OP
DT Parasite House : Plant Pantherhorn

Epaulette of Sage +4

Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird, Auto Cannon-Ex, Mechabuffalo, Mechzards
Desert Scream : Lug Queen
Port_Lux : Ghoul, Dark Bladers, Bugshark+,

Epaulette of Fighter +4

Port_Lux : Dark Blader
Fort_Ruina : Mechamender
DT Lighthouse Maze : Bugshark

Epaulette of Guardian +5

Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird, Mechabuffalo
DT Parasite House : Wriggle Leaf + (boss)
Undead Ground: Lihorn Zombie, Ghost Blader, Zombie Fighter
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren quest dungeon
Forgotten Ruin : Fire Beetle

Epaulette of Fighter +5

Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Zombie Fighter
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna

Epaulette of Sage +5

Fort Ruina : Mechzards
Undead Ground : Zombie Fighter, Zombie Slater, Spector
Exilian Volcano (Patren Patren) : Any mob in Patren, Patren dungeon
Lake in Dusk : Venom Toads

Shadow Epaulette of Sage +5

Lake in Dusk : First boss on the left side (before the Ruins of Dusk gate)

Epaulette of Fighter +6

Undead Ground : Wraith, Spector
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion, Lihorna, Two-Headed Hound
B1F : Any mob of the dungeon
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob/chest of the dungeon

Epaulette of Guardian +6

Undead Ground: Death Giant, Spector
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Cockatrice
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob/chest of the dungeon
B1F : Frozen Slaugher Zombie

Epaulette of Sage +6

Undead Ground : Spector, Death Giants
Forgotten Ruin : Sand Lihorn, Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob/chest of the dungeon

Epaullete of Sage/Fighter/Guardian +7

Lakeside : Berderk Faello
B1F : Any mob inside B1F dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Last chest, First boss (archer) – EoG+7
Forgotten Ruin : Second Bird Boss


Newbie Stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Nipper lug, Garlie, Mantis, Rabbithorn, Giant beetle , Troglo.

Reinforced, Iron (weapon), Red stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Scorp Lug, Scorp Lug +, Lynhorn, Zombie Maid, Zombie, Lynhorn Zombie, Lynxhorn Zombie Leader.
Desert_Scream : Red Gally, Gally Captain, Desert Fox, Desert Hound, Giant Snake.
Green_Despair : Troglo Fighter, Troglo Warrior, Dire Boar, Plant Toad, Bugzard

Iron (armor), Damascus, Coraleye stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Skeleton, Skeleton Warrior, Skeleton Mage.
Desert_Scream : Black Snake, Huge Beetle, Armaku, Armaku +, Bugmender, Mummy, Mummy Blader, Mummy Warrior.
Green_Despair : Highzard, Pantherhorn, Plant Pantherhorn, Giant Spider, Huge Spider

Shadowsteel (armor), Aramid, Shadowsteel (weapon), Citrine stuff +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Baba Yaga, Hound Zombie, Pantherhorn Zombie, Ape, Ape +, Ape Zombie.
Desert_Scream : Archionis, Archipteryx, Archipteryx +, Clay Gargoyle.
Green_Despair : Moscutter; Moscutter +, Bitter Leaf, Mosscyther.

Bluestin (armor), Bluestin (swords and magic) +0,+0 slot,+1,+2,+3
Bloody_Ice : Ghost, Ghost +, Shade.
Desert_Scream : Antra Lug, Lug Queen.
Green_Despair : Mosscyther, Wriggle Leaf, Moscutter Queen.
Port_Lux : Crag Turtle, Crag Crab, Crag Toad, Peryton, Bugshark, Bugdolphy, Stone Gargoyle.

Titanium (armor), Titanium (weapon), Pherystin +0,+0 slot, +1,+2,+3
Port_Lux : Peryton +, Bugshark +, Bugdolphy, Stone Gargoyle, Ghoul, Phantom Worker, Phantom Crew, Flame Hound, Dark Soldier, Stone Golem, Dark Blader.
Fort_Ruina : Auto Cannon-op, Auto Cannon-op +, Hound S-O1, Hound sp, Mecha Ape, Mecha Ape +, Mecha ape archer, Mecha ape archer +.

Titanium (armor), Titanium (weapon), Pherystin +0,+0 slot, +1,+1 slot,+2,+2 slot,+3,+3 slot
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Ape, Mehca Ape +, Mecha Ape Archer, Mecha Ape Archer +, Mechamender, Mechamender +, Mecha Buffalo, Mecha Buffalo +, Electric Bird, Electric Bird +, Mechazard, Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-EX +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land

Osmium (Armor) +0,+0 slot, +1, +2, +3
Fort_Ruina : Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-Ex +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : All the mobs of the land
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land

Shadowtitanium +0,+0 slot, +1, +2, +3
: Mechazard +, Auto Cannon-Ex, Auto Cannon-Ex +, Excavator-alfa.
Undead Ground : Vampire Servant, Vampire Servant +, Vampire Steward.
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Lake in Dusk : All the mobs of the land

Aqua +0,+0 slot, +1,+2,+3
Undead Ground : Spectors, Wraiths
Forgotten Ruin: All the mobs of the land

Osmium (weapon) +0, +0 slot, Lapis +0, +0 slot
Ruina Station : Invader Mecha Buffalo, Invader Mecha Buffalo +, Invader Mechazard, Invader Mechazard +, Invader Auto Cannon-Ex, Invader Auto Cannon-Ex +
B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon
Seal of Darkness : All the mobs of the dungeon . Chests included.

Redosmium +0, +1, +2, +3, +0 slot, Topaz +0, +1, +2, +3, +0 slot
Lakeside : All the mobs of the land
B2F : All the mobs of the dungeon
Forgotten Temple B1F : All the mobs of the dungeon.
Mutant Forest : All mobs of the land.
Volcanic Citadel : Topaz 2 Slots in Last chest of VC

Mithril Armors, Mithril Weapons
Mutant Forest
: Lobatums (Crystal – nonslotted)


Shining Tooth

Port_Lux : Bugshark, Ghoul, Flame Hound.
Fort_Ruina : Hound S-O1.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Berserk Ghoul.
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna.

Blue Feather
Port_Lux : Peryton.
Fort_Ruina : Electric Bird.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie.
Forgotten Ruin : Griffin, Cockatrice, Blade Peryton.

Strange Stem
Port_Lux : Bugshark.
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Ape, Mecha Ape Archer.
Undead Ground : Spector, Wraith.
Forgotten Ruin : Two-Headed Hound, Lihorna.

Hard Shell
Port_Lux : Crag Turtle, Crag Crab, Dark Soldier, Stone Golem.
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo, Mechazard.
Undead Ground : Deathe Soldier, Death Giant.
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle, Giant Scorpion.

Mirror Stone
Port_Lux : Stone Gargoyle, Stone Golem.
Fort_Ruina : Auto Cannon-op, Auto Cannon-Ex.
Undead Ground : Death Soldier, Death Giant, Spector, Wraith.
Forgotten Ruin : Stone Beetle, Fire Beetle.

Yellow Jewel
Port_Lux : Stone Gargoyle, Dark Blader.
Fort_Ruina : Auto Cannon-op.
Undead Ground : Ghost Blader.

Sticky Red Liquid
Port_Lux : Bugshark, Ghoul.
Fort_Ruina : Mecha Buffalo.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zoimbie, Zombie Fighter, Zombie Slater, Zombie Knight.

Unknown Circuit

Port_Lux : Stone Golem.
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Ghost Blader, Death Giant.

Common Metal Fragment
Ruina Station : Invader Auto Cannon-op, Invader Auto Cannon-op +.

Shining Yellow Powder
Lake in Dusk : Minotaurus
Undead Ground : Spector

Illusion Coral
Lake in Dusk : Orc, Venom Toads, All Bosses inside LiD

Astral Skull
B1F : Ice Ghoul Warrior, Ice Ghoul.

Machinery Head
Ruina Station : Invader Auto Cannon-Ex +

Unknown Machine Part
Ruina Station
: Invader Mecha Buffalos

Familiar Mineral
: Bloody Ogres


Vampiric Earring +0
Lakeside : Bloody Orcs
Volcanic Citadel : Dark Phallanx

Vampiric Earring +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orcs

Vampiric Earring +2
Lakeside : Bloody Orc Mage
Mutant Forest : Mossites, Viant
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any chest of the dungeon

Vampiric Earring +3 / +4
: Random chest in B2F (Vamp +4)
Lakeside : Dark Troll (+3), Berderk Faello (+3 and +4)
Forgotten Temple B1F : Random mobs (+4), Key Quest Chest
Volcanic Citadel : Force Archer Boss

Life Absorb Bracelet +0
Forgotten Ruin
: Fire Beetle

Bracelet of Fighter +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orc Mage

Bracelet of Brute +2
: Bloody Orc
Volcanic Citadel : Flame Hounds (Bracelet of Brute +2 with Sword amp 3%)

Cabal Slot Extender Guide 2020

Bracelet of Sage +2 / of Fighter +2
Lakeside : Bloody Harpy Warrior
Forgotten Temple B1F : Key Quest Chest
Mutant Forest : Mossites

Bracelet of Sage +3 / of Fighter +3

Lakeside : Berderk Faello (both), Bloody Orcs (BoF3), Bloody Orc Mage(BoF3)
Forgotten Temple B1F : All mobs/chests of the dungeon
B2F : Any mob inside the dungeon

Bracelet of Sage +4 / of Fighter +4
: Death Soldier (BoF+4)
Forgotten Temple B1F : Key Quest Chest, Random mob (could be any mob i think)
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob of the land (random drop)
Lakeside : Berderk Faello

Bracelet of Fighter/Sage +2 – Slotted
Pontus Ferrum : Any mob of the land
Mutant Forest : Branny, Ectoflowers (BoF)

Bracelet of Serenity +1

Lakeside : Bloody Orc Mage

Evasion Earring +0
Forgotten Ruin
: Giant Scorpion

Evasion Earring +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orc mage

Protection Earring +2
Mutant Forest : Mossites

Mana Absorb Bracelet +1
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Bloody Orc Mage

Extortion Bracelet +4
Volcanic Citadel : Paaks chest (last phalanx boss)

Vital Earring +1
Forgotten Ruin : Blade Peryton

Vital Earring +2
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Dark Gnoll Mage, Dark Gnolls

Earring of Guard +2
Mutant Forest
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any chest of the dungeon
Lakeside : Bloody Orc

Earring of Guard +3 / +4
: Wizard Boss Chest (EoG+4)
Lakeside : Bloody Orc, Berderk Faello
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob/chest of the dungeon (both earrings)
B2F : Any mob of the dungeon

Astral Core : Blue Mitrhil

Pontus Ferrum : Penna, Pluma, Quadra, Gravis
Forgotten Temple B1F : First Chest in B1F and the Key Quest chests

Shapes/Discs LVL4Undead_Ground : Vampire Steward+ (shape lvl 4)
Forgotten Ruin : Giant Scorpions, Fire Beetles
Mutant Forest : Ectoleafs, Branny
Lakeside : All the mobs of the land

Astral Skull
: Any mob of the dungeon
B2F : Any mob of the dungeon
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob/chest of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : Any mob of the dungeon

Force Core Highest / Upgrade Core Highest
Chaos Arena
Pontus Ferrum : PF Bosses
Mutant Forest : Branny, Ectoleafs
Forgotten Temple B1F : All chests in FT : B1F

Amulet of Guard +6
Fort Ruina
: Mechzards+

Amulet of Guard +7 – Requirement for Circuits Level 6

Undead Ground : Wraiths, Spectors, Death Soldiers
Forgotten Ruin : Giant Scorpions, Hexacyther, Cockatrice
B1F : Any mob of the dungeon
Ruina Station : Any mob of the dungeon
Forgotten Temple B1F : All mobs in the dungeon

Ring of Luck +2

Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land
Mutant Forest : Ectoflower

Astral Boards
Fort Ruina : Auto Cannon-Ex

Plates of Honor
Forgotten Ruin : All the mobs of the land

Astral Board X2 – Green
Fort Ruina : Hound S-01

Astral Board Card : Type Zero Black
Port Lux : Crag Turtle, Stone Golem, Dark Blader, Flame Hounds
Fort Ruina : Hound S-01, Mechamender, Mechazard, Auto Cannons-Ex
Undead Ground : Zombie Slater
Forgotten Ruin : Ancient Cocatrice

Astral Board Card : Type Zero Silver
Port Lux : Peryton, Peryton+
Fort Ruina : Mechzards+
Undead Ground
: Ghost Blader, Wraith

Blue Bike
B1F : Legacy chest in B1F (last one), Mergaheph’s Chest
Ruina Station : Any chest of the dungeon.

Bike RW-3
Ruina Station : Any chest of the dungeon.
Lakeside : Berderk Faello
Forgotten Ruin : Monakus Karion
Volcanic Citadel : Force Archer Boss
B1F : Vampire chest (Pertz)

Slot extender (High)
Lakeside : Bloody Harpy Slave, Bloody Harpy Warrior, Berderk Faello
B1F : Pertz’s Chest, Megaherph’s Chest

Slot Extender (Medium)

B1F : Last Legacy Chest of the Dungeon.
Volcanic Citadel : Last chest of the Dungeon
Lake in Dusk : Zigdris Faello

Slot extender (Low)
Fort Ruina : Mechzard
Volcanic Citadel : Paaks (chest), Jakkr (chest)
DT Dungeons 60+ : Any mob of the dungeon
Volcanic Citadel : @the Blader Boss

Plasma Coating Kit
Lake in Dusk : Troll
Ruina Station : Any mob inside the dungeon
B1F : Any mob or chest
Forgotten Temple B1F : Any mob in the dungeon
Chaos Arena : Pluma (lvl 125-170)
B2F : Andreas Schultz Chest, Prinz Verzen Chest

Powerless Core
Mutant Forest
: Branny, Ectoleafs, Ectoflowers, Mushed, Mossites

Undead Ground
: Lihorns, Vampire Servant+
Port_Lux : Dark Bladers, Golems
Mutant Forest
: Mossites

Upgrade Core Highest
Pontus Ferrum : ARM-01 Assassin, UMD-02 Cornus

Common Metal Fragment

Ruina Station : Mecha Ape Archer, Mecha Buffalo

Illusion Coral
Lake in Dusk : Venom Toads, All bosses inside LiD
Volcanic Citadel : @FA Boss


50x Hp Potion(Lv3)
50x MP Potion(Lv3)
50x Return Stone
Upgrade Core(Low)
Upgrade Core(Medium)
Upgrade Core(High)
Force Core(High)
Slot Extender(Low)
Slot Extender(Medium)
Slot Extender(High)
Map Part
Muster Card Ruina Station
Epaulette of the Dead
Epaulette of the Dead(B2F)
Plates of Honor
Astral Board – All types
Astral Bike RW-3
Plasma Coating Kit
Epaulette of Fighter/Sage/Guardian +6
Any Extract potions
Shining Yellow Powder


Number 001 – 002 – 003 – 004 – 005
Port_Lux : Core Alchemist (honor rank class 2 required)
Fort_Ruina : Mechzards (No5)

Number 006 : Concentration Potion Lvl 1
Fort_Ruina : Mechzards+
Undead Ground : Lihorn Zombie, Spector, Wraith
Forgotten Ruin : Hexscyther

Number 007 : Reflex Potion Lvl 1
: Mechzards

Number 008 : Vital Potion Lvl 1
Undead Ground
: Undead Soldier