How To Get A Lot Of Chips On Zynga Poker

  1. How To Get A Lot Of Chips On Zynga Poker Chips
  2. How To Get Billions Of Chips On Zynga Poker

Selling Zynga Poker Chips Cheapest Rate and Safe. Fahad Ibrahim, 5/15/20 Replies: 1 Views: 75 Last Reply: N/A. Contact tra20012 5/22/20. With such a solid fan-base, ever-increasing tally of registered online players, soaring numbers of interested newbies, an over-whelming response over the internet, numerous raised voices to permit and regulate online betting and a whole lot of promising facets in store for the loyal supporters, it is almost a pity that the game of Facebook poker and zynga poker chips still exists in a gray.

My chip balance is missing? What do I do now?

How To Get A Lot Of Chips On Zynga Poker Chips

It is rare for chips to simply go 'missing.' Bad beats and losing hands are often the most common causes of chip disappearances. Zynga poker ensures cards will always be dealt at random, however, there is never a guarantee specific hole cards will always win.
Claims of missing chips is often the result of an active poker feature which consumes a small portion of winnings from the communal pot. Outlined are poker features which commonly result in misconceptions of missing chips.
Table rake - Similar to comparative online poker games, Zynga Poker institutes a three percent table rake on cash games and jump poker. This small amounts helps us keep the game economy balanced and the game competitive.
Hand Strength Meter (HSM) - When activated on the web application, the HSM will help gauge the strength of your poker hand. The HSM takes a percentage of winnings up to 6 big blinds.
Steps to disable the HSM:
  • Web - Click on the meter below the betting controls to enable/disable the feature between hands
  • Mobile - Tap on the meter below your whole cards (It is faint) to enable/disable the feature between hands
Tournament Buy-in Fee - Similar to the the table rake, the tournament buy-in fee is a percentage of the pot total and helps keep the tournament environment balanced and competitive
If you would like a member of the support team to further investigate a missing chip claim please submit a support incident.

A wise man once said, “Patience is a virtue.” In order to win in zynga poker chips in tournaments, you must survive all the way to the end and still have zynga chips. In order to accomplish this feat you must fold, ALOT. With the zynga poker chip stacks you start with in most tourneys it’s very tough to take alot of flops and try to slowly build a stack. Instead I atest to big bet zynga poker.

By big bet poker I mean I want to play big pots with my strong hands. That means limp raising from early position, reraising my big pairs, playing my big draws for big pots, in general playing fast. I’m not overplaying my hands though. I still keep pots small on scary boards, I still make standard preflop raises of zynga poker chips and post flop continuations. I don’t waste zynga poker chips stabbing against 3+ opponents, I don’t stab at bad boards. I’m saving every facebook poker chip for when I have a good situation to play a big pot. I’m folding my marginal hands, I’m rarely limping, and I’m never limping in early position with a hand I don’t intend on reraising with my zynga poker chips.

My main goal is to have doubled up by the first break. That’s going to give you a little wiggle room in the next couple of rounds, before the antes kick in, to start playing small pot poker and accumulating zynga poker chips. I’m going to discuss briefly here playing the short stack and McGrille’s M theory. If you follow my advice and remain patient early, you may find yourself w/short chips. That’s ok, you’ll have plenty of chances to double through. First let me define short chips. Most people feel comfortable w/10BB’s or more, however, if you follow the M theory you will know that you are short stacked long before that. The M theory says that you take the size of the pot and divide that number by your current chip count([BB + SB + antes]/chip count = M).

Any M below 10 is starting to get short, any M below 5 is in the danger zone. Basically I use the M theory as my guide to when to start really pressing. If I have an M between 7 – 10 I generally open shove with AT – AK, I’ll do my best to play for my whole stack w/pairs above 7’s, or I will look for spots to limp push or squeeze hoping to pick up a big pot of zynga poker chips or play for my stack w/a semi-strong hand. I’ll further discuss the squeeze play later.


With M’s 5 – 7 I’m open pushing w/A8-AK, KJ, KQ, and any pair. Same rules apply as above since my stack is still large enough to have some fold equity. With less than 5 M I am open shoving when folded to me w/any two cards excluding only the worst hands(92, 72, etc). The purpose of doing this despite still having a decent amount of chips is that people are going to have to have monster hands to make such a big call, and if someone does call well thats ok because I need to double up. If I push w/T9 and get called by AK its alright I’m less than a 2 – 1 dog. For a more in depth explanation of the M theory read Harrington on Holdem Vol. 2. That’s a lot to digest so I will let that work through your system for a bit. My next blog will discuss play w/an ante.

How To Get Billions Of Chips On Zynga Poker

Be sure to also read about managing your bankroll of zynga poker chips in order to maximize your zynga chips at the tables.