How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer


It's perfectly acceptable to base your tips on how much you are betting. If you are a $5 player, I suggest a $1 or $2 tip bet for the dealer, placed on top of your wager. The above are guidelines; how much you tip is very much a personal thing. Even if you tip conservatively like I do, if you stay and play long enough, the dealer's tip stack will eventually begin to grow into a nice little haul for the dealer-especially if other players at the table are also tipping-so in my book, a conservative tipping strategy is adequate, and should make the dealer happy-certainly, much happier.

  1. How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer
  2. How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer Make
  3. How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer Cost
  4. How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer Near Me
  1. Blackjack dealers really only expect you to tip them if you're winning. If you're losing, keep what money you have left. If you are winning, they expect a tip that's proportional to the amount.
  2. Most dealers will thank you earnestly for any tip. When playing for the house it is quite customary to use $1 or $2.50 chips, while you are playing with $5 or $10 or more. Don't be afraid to play for them with even only $1, that is quite common.
  3. You can get that by playing one hour with a SCORE of 50, or half an hour with a SCORE of 100, or something in between. Then for every $1 of EV that you accrue, $6.15 will be won in the winning sessions, and $5.15 will be lost in losing sessions. If you tip 3% of your win, you will tip 18.5 cents per $1 of EV. That is, your tip rate is 18.5%.

Originally posted on Green Chip by MathProf

Many card counters and other advantage players tip too much. Let us look at some numbers:

Suppose all of your sessions are the same length, and are 0.5% of N0. You can get that by playing one hour with a SCORE of 50, or half an hour with a SCORE of 100, or something in between.

Then for every $1 of EV that you accrue, $6.15 will be won in the winning sessions, and $5.15 will be lost in losing sessions. If you tip 3% of your win, you will tip 18.5 cents per $1 of EV. That is, your tip rate is 18.5%. This is way too high.

To put it into perspective, your long run index is proportional to the square of your EV. If you retain only 81.5% of you EV after tipping, then your long run index is only 66.5% of its non-tip value. That is, if you are playing a game with a N0 of 200, your tipping has raised it to a N0 of 300. You have to play 50% longer to get the same effect.

Here is another way to think about it: Not only have you decreased your earnings by 18.5%, but you have increased your Risk of Ruin. You are making less money, with more risk.

My own view is that the long run index in blackjack is too long as it, and it should not be increased cavalierly. Some increase is necessary for longevity, but it is important to keep it in perspective.

Having said this, there is another way to look at things. Most low-stakes players spend a far greater sum on expenses than they do on tips. Sometimes this is justified as “vacation money” that should come from a separate fund than bankroll. If you are spending money to travel to, say, Las Vegas for “entertainment” then you could consider tips as part of the cost of entertainment. I think it’s funny that some players will think nothing of spending a couple hundred bucks or more on airfare to get in ten hours of play (costing $20-$30 an hour), but then begrudge dealers $5 an hour in tips.

However, some counters are playing at low stakes to gain experience before moving on to higher stakes. If you are in that category, it's important to develop good habits for the future. Understanding how much tips cost you is part of the issue.

At low stakes, non-tipping is less noticed. I do hear dealers say things like, “A player who was here before took away $5000 but didn't give me squat.” Non-tips on big wins are noticed, and are talked about in the dealer break room. Many dealers have a sense of entitlement to tips. But I’ve never heard a dealer complain about a red-chip player who didn't tip. Perhaps they do in grind joints where most of the patrons play red chips.

If you gave a good-penetration dealer two red chips at the end of your session, how did that help your penetration? You had already gotten the good penetration before the tip.

How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer

If you are tipping during the session, then I would suggest breaking down your reds to $1 chips, and making several bets one dollar at a time. I think you would get the same effect by making five one-dollar bets. In fact, it might seem better to the dealer.

The amount of money that individual dealers make from tips is almost negligible. Maybe that guy had to pool his tips with 20 other people. So your $10 gave him half a dollar more in his pocket. (If the dealer doesn't pool the tips, which is rare, then we have a different situation) However, many dealers like the “action” and enjoy having a bet in the game. Also, if you make five bets for the dealer in the session, then the dealer sees you “tipping a lot.” It creates a good impression.

How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer

By the way, I think that five bets of one dollar each is still a lot. Many professional players don’t tip at all, except in special circumstances.

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If you play Blackjack online, you won’t have to worry about tipping the dealer. However, if you play in a land-based casino, the dealers usually work on tips that must be appropriately compensated.

Many Blackjack players are sceptical about tipping the dealer because they don’t know when and how much to tip. So, in this article, we’ll take a look at the ins and outs of tipping the Blackjack dealer.

Why should you tip the Blackjack dealer?

There is no hard and fast rule that says you must tip the Blackjack dealer. But it’s worth noting that the dealers in the casino industry work on a low base salary and they depend upon tips to make ends meet. Knowing that the dealer is collecting just about minimum wage, and is reliant on the generosity of bettors, should be enough to remind you to tip.

If you want to tip the dealer, you should base it on the service the dealer is providing in terms of experience. However, you shouldn’t always be tipping and there are certain ways when you want to do so.

How to tip the dealer

As mentioned earlier, players don’t need to worry about tipping the dealer in online Blackjack. In the case of live Blackjack games, there are two options for players in terms of tipping the dealers. The first option is that you can just ‘took’ him a chip or cash, which can be left on the table after you finish your Blackjack session or just pushed towards the dealer’s position if you’re still playing. It’s important that you point out that the chips are for the dealers otherwise they may think you’re placing another bet.

The second option for tipping Blackjack dealers is placing bets for them. The dealer, as it is known, is often forbidden for playing Blackjack in the casino. So, the player often places the dealer’s tip as a wager, just like they do it on their own. This bet doesn’t need to be the same amount as your bet, and even if it does lose the dealers appreciate the bet you placed for them.

When to tip the dealer?

How Much Should You Tip A Blackjack Dealer Make

There’s no rule for this and different players tip the dealer at different times. You can either tip the dealer for the entire session at once or you can normally distribute the tips between 5 to 10 hands. Most of the time, your Blackjack dealer will only expect a tip if they have dealt you a nice winning hand. So, don’t be stingy when lady luck is on your side.

How much should I tip the dealer?

This is completely up to you. However, many regular players suggest tipping the dealer at least $5 every hour. If this exceeds your set limit, you can tip smaller or less frequently. Other options see players tipping 10% on every win and nothing on every loss. Also, players can work out how many hands they’ve won and do 10% of that and give it to the dealer at the end.

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