Beating Csm Blackjack


I got an email from a friend in casino security for one of the big operators, asking me what I know about beating continuous shuffle blackjack machines. I've done a great bit of research about card counting (applied), some tools and techniques for cheating casinos, as well as interviewing famed casino cheat Richard Marcus.

So be careful if you play blackjack and avoid these three casino changes, which are not very player friendly: dealer's hitting soft 17, single deck games that pay 6-5 on blackjack, and tables that use a CSM. If you do so, you will be one smart player. What it could be useful for is making up part of an arsenal of edges to beat CSM's. Living in a country where 99%+ of casinos use CSM's for all Blackjack games, any exploration of ways to get an edge over them is something I'm always willing to consider.

I met several players in Manila’ casinos who are trying to beat CSM blackjack by using Stephen How method of card counting. ( discount gaming .net). I asked them how they are dong so far. They said they are doing ok.
They sit in the table watching( counting) ,Wong in and Wong out , casino doesn’t care. They beat minimumon one hand, then when the count is good they beat every hand with maximum.
The rule here are pretty good for player: CSM 6 deck, early surrender, no peak, double any 2 cards,split any pair up to 3 times. Split ace once .lose original bet only when banker has BJ.Banker stand on soft 17. Double after split ( except Ace)
So , any comment?
Counting CSM Blackjack (+EV) is the article about the method, posted almost six years ago. Some replies to the article claim success using the method.
“You don’t bring a bone saw to a negotiation.” - Robert Jordan, former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia
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Beating csm blackjack poker
One thing to note either way... one hand of min to max hands at max is going to lead to some hideous variance. Thus, you could be playing this for tens of thousands of hands and be up when really you're -EV, or you could be way down when you're +EV. Going to take hundreds of thousands of hands to prove out the advantage...
I think it's beatable, only if you have a seriously ridiculously large bankroll. Think of it as being a regular shoe game and casinos cutting off 3/4 decks. Thus you only get 1 deck worth of information at a time before each shuffle. Your frequencies will be way less and thus when you do get the good counts you need to STUFF the betting driving your variance through the roof (as well as your bankroll requirements).
I have the machine and have spent huge amount of time but still haven't figure out a solid strategy to beat it. I will share what i have found so far.
1. there are 38 slots and each contains 6 to 12 cards before it extracts the card. but on the latest version (one2six OTS), the max no. of card is 10 instead of 12.
2. when a certain number of cards are pulled (usually 10 cards, but sometimes less), one of the slot passes the cards into chute. in this case, the wheel doesn't move, and will use the closest slot to the chute.
3. there are always about 16 to 20 cards in the exit waiting to be played.
4. there are about 30 - 40 cards that cannot come out because they are less than 6 cards in a slot. it seems like those slots are usually crowded all together but they can be anywhere.
5. if you dont put the card back in the machine and keep taking out the cards, the slot wont move around and extracts the closest slot, so that the empty slots are all together.
6. if you keep taking out the card and when it needs to extract while its shuffling, the wheel stops at random point and extract the card and then start shuffling again.
7. i pull out 10 cards and put them back in one by one while the cover is opened and write down which slot the machine picks to fill the chute and which slot the cards go back in. the result was quite interesting.
it picks 2 areas for in and out. for example, machine picks slot #9 to fill the chute and then slot #23. when it picks those 2 areas, it will keep using the close areas to fill the chute. next was like #6, #20, #7, #21, #5, #19 and so on. the number only went downward and rarely use the same slot again. (maybe once the slot is used, it is emptied and takes awhile to get enough cards to extract.) same pattern applies to the slots that the cards go in.
this means some slots stay out of play for a prolonged time and the cards that will appear in the next round is very limited.
Thanks for this post from:

I have the machine and have spent huge amount of time but still haven't figure out a solid strategy to beat it. I will share what i have found so far.

are you in vegas? i will be in town for WSOP, and can bring the gear needed to non-destructively dump the ROM on this thing any which way we need to. wanna find out how these work for once and for all? :)
(seriously, PM me. i want to check out the code on these things as a matter of curiousity, regardless.)

are you in vegas? i will be in town for WSOP, and can bring the gear needed to non-destructively dump the ROM on this thing any which way we need to. wanna find out how these work for once and for all? :)
(seriously, PM me. i want to check out the code on these things as a matter of curiousity, regardless.)

i would like to, but im not in vegas. you can pm and ask me anything.

are you in vegas? i will be in town for WSOP, and can bring the gear needed to non-destructively dump the ROM on this thing any which way we need to. wanna find out how these work for once and for all? :)
(seriously, PM me. i want to check out the code on these things as a matter of curiousity, regardless.)

email me ...
Did you ever manage to update the software?

Did you ever manage to update the software?

i updated it to 2.03.i but im not sure if this is the latest version.
Beating csm blackjack poker
I did see some casinos use that version. On which website did you find the update?

I analyze all sorts of blackjack strategies and rank them for your fun and profit.

In every single movie about Las Vegas and the gangsters that run it, some character says to another character, “The house always wins.”

Yet that doesn’t stop all of us from trying to beat the casino. Specifically blackjack. We all think we’re better than blackjack.

We’re not, of course. But we think we are. I compiled this list of 11 popular strategies for beating blackjack and ranked them here, starting with the least effective and building toward the most effective.

11 Superstitions

I’ve seen tons of blackjack superstitions. None of these actually do anything — but either do lucky shirts, avoiding black cats, turning off the light switch three times to keep Charlie from dying, or any of the other day-to-day superstitions people swear by.

So it’s not going to change your blackjack fortunes if you violate your superstitions — even if you let new players enter during a shoe… you don’t bother saying “Nice hit” to someone who gets a six on a 15… you wish yourself good luck on your first-card ace… you tap twice instead of scratching the felt to hit… or forget your lucky cowboy hat. Gamblor is immune to superstition.

10 Gut feelings

It seems that most people who sit down at a blackjack table have a rough understanding of textbook blackjack strategy. At least on the most basic level. The “gut feelings” strategy is a mix of playing with basic blackjack strategy but also having feelings. For example: “I’m going to stay on this 16, I just know the next card is a 10.” (I’ve seen my friend Bruce almost attack people for that statement. More than once.)

The problem here, from a mathematical perspective — aka my favorite perspective — is that blackjack strategy is constructed to give you an edge if you adhere to it without deviation and play for a long, long time. It’s like a thousand monkeys on a thousand typewriters — eventually they’re going to write A Tale of Two Cities. But as soon as you deviate from the strategy for a gut feeling, that’s like telling your monkeys that they’re now trying to accidentally write Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue: An American Life.

9 Easy card counting

I have three different levels of card counting on this list, because not all card counting is created equal. Some methods are so basic that you can learn them in 15 minutes. Some take months or years of practice.

Easy card counting might give you a small bump. One strategy like this is called ace/five — that’s where you start with the number zero, add one for every five dealt and subtract one for every ace. If the count is more than two, you double your previous bet. If the count is less than two, you bet the minimum. It’s simple, and marginally effective across a large data set.

Another easy card counting style is the famed “I feel like I’ve seen a lot of big cards” strategy. This is the one where you’re paying like 80 percent attention, but you feel like you’ve seen a lot of big cards come out already so you scale back your bets. This somewhat resembles wearing shorts outside in February because you feel like there have been so many snowy days that some sun is due.

8 Avoiding elderly female Korean dealers

This isn’t necessarily a winning strategy but more of an “avoid losing” strategy. Simply put: If you stand up and walk away every time there’s a dealer switch and an elderly female Korean assassin takes over your table, it will probably save you thousands of dollars in your lifetime.

7 Bet incrementing

Bet incrementing is like card counting without the card counting. It’s more like streak counting. There are different systems but they all basically come down to this: If you’re winning, keep increasing your bet; if you’re losing, don’t increase your bet.

This certainly helps avoid the break-even rut that blackjack can fall into — where you sit there for hours and never swing more than 25 percent or so from your buy-in. With incrementing, you’re either blowing money quickly or raking it in quickly.

But it’s not really a system to beat the house… just one to help you channel your luck. Incrementing coupled with counting can actually increase your winning percentage (or, more accurately, shave a small amount off the house edge). But incrementing without counting is like having sexual relations with multiple people and eschewing condoms until you catch an STD, then going back to condoms again.


6 Cheating

I put this in the middle of the list because it can go either way. If you spend hours going from casino to casino searching for a rookie dealer who might occasionally expose the very bottom burn card, that’s ineffective and inefficient cheating.

If you hide cards in your sleeve or try to subtlety double your bet when you get a good hand, those are more effective cheating strategies. Sure, you’ll end up getting dragged into a windowless room in the bowels of the casino and getting beat — fittingly — with a blackjack. But you’ll win some serious cash in the process.

5 Shuffle Tracking

In most of the big Vegas casinos you can’t do this anymore — the dealer doesn’t shuffle, he just puts the cards in a machine that automatically shuffles them. (Or, if you’re more of a conspiracy theorist, that sequences them to make sure you all get screwed.)

But if you’re playing blackjack and the dealer is manually shuffling, this actually can be moderately effective. You have to pay detailed attention to the sequence that the cards come out, because you’re looking for clusters. Maybe you try to remember the number and suit of the two cards that lead up to every ace. You expect that, during a human shuffle, some of those clusters will stay together — and you might have a little edge in knowing when the aces are coming.

It requires a lot of concentration, but might actually help you make a better decision on one or two hands every two or three shoes. It’s a long-term play. Continuing the analogy motif of this list, it’s like getting three green shells on the first lap in Mario Kart 64 and holding them indefinitely, hoping that you’ll be in a situation eventually where they’ll benefit you.

4 Basic strategy and time

Basic strategy is the calling card of blackjack — if you play with proper strategy, blackjack gives you the best odds in the casino over time. (People forget the “over time” aspect. We’re a culture that freaks out over small sample sizes. They’re the only thing keeping Around the Horn on the air.)

Beating Csm Blackjack Poker

And over time, basic strategy really can make a difference — infinite computer simulations have proven it. But you need to have the discipline to hit 12 and 13 against a 2… hit soft 18 against a 9, 10 or ace… split 8s against a 10 even if you’re on a cold streak… and refuse to take even money for blackjacks. Every single time you play, with no exceptions, for your entire life.

3 Medium-difficulty card counting

This is the kind of card counting that the common man can learn and try to employ. You don’t need an entire team of MIT-educated math geniuses to work as spotters and helpers and trainers to make it work. (It’d be hard to get that team together anyway, what with them knowing they’d be whitewashed if a movie was made about your adventures.)


These medium strategies are more advanced than the counting strategies I talked about earlier. Here you might try something like the current “hot” counting style, called the Zen Count. (You subtract one for an ace; add one for a 2, 3 or 7; add two for a 4, 5 or 6; and subtract two for a ten.) This requires practice and concentration, *might* get you kicked out of a casino but probably not, and will give you more of an advantage than you’re used to.

Of course, if you’re doing this, you can’t really drink — so that’s a $6-$32 per hour loss, depending on the efficiency of your waitress and your willingness to consume Long Island iced teas in the middle of the afternoon. So make sure to factor that in.

2 Hard card counting team effort

These are the card counting systems you would see in movies like 21 and others. (No, I can’t actually name others, I just assume there are others.) Basically, you and your genius friends develop an advanced card counting strategy. Then you all watch and card count different tables and signal each other when a table is about to start paying off. The money guy goes to that table, bets a ton, then gets the hell out as soon as the pit bosses start whispering to each other and casting furtive glances in your direction.

On the downside, this is the kind of thing that casinos are on the lookout for and that might only exist in fantasy at this point. On the upside, if you do choose this method, you get to wear cool disguises and play different characters at the table! So if you and your friends from differential calculus class started an improv troupe, you were born for this.

(Side note: I bet that improv troupe would have a kitschy name like “RDRR” or “Nothing Derivative” or “Kristen Cavalieri’s Principle.”)

Beating Csm Blackjack Training

1 Autistic brother

Show me the money! Feel the need for speed! I want the truth! You’re glib!

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